Drive in UAE with Norwegian License and Conversion Process

is Norway license valid in uae

As a Norwegian, you might wonder if you can drive in the UAE with Norwegian license. The answer is yes but with certain conditions. As a visitor, you can drive a rental car using your Norwegian license.

However, if you’re applying for residence in the UAE, you must convert your Norwegian license to a UAE one once your residence permit is issued. This article will guide you through the process of driving in the UAE with a Norwegian permit and the procedure for converting your Norwegian license to a UAE license.

Driving in the UAE with a Norwegian License

When you plan to Drive in UAE with Norwegian License, there are a few key points to consider. The rules vary depending on whether you visit the UAE or apply for residence.

As a Visitor

If you’re a tourist visiting the UAE, you can use your Norwegian driving licence to rent a car and explore the country at your own pace. But if you plan on driving a private vehicle, you need to make sure you’re covered by the vehicle’s insurance. This is an important step to keep in mind when driving in the UAE with a Norwegian license as a visitor.

As a Resident

If you’re planning to reside in the UAE and already have a Norwegian driving licence, rest assured that you can use it until you receive your residence permit. However, once your permit is issued, it’s crucial that you promptly obtain a UAE driving licence from the traffic department. This is a mandatory requirement for all Norwegian licence holders who wish to continue driving in the UAE as residents. But don’t worry, converting your licence is a straightforward process and we’ll provide you with detailed information to help you do so easily.

Please be aware that the traffic laws in the UAE are extremely strict. It is imperative that you possess a valid license if you plan to drive, as driving without one can lead to hefty fines and penalties. If you are planning on using a Norwegian license to drive in the UAE, it is crucial that you familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations in order to avoid any legal consequences.

Procedure to Convert a Norwegian Driving License to a UAE License

If you want to be a resident of the UAE, you’ll need to change your Norwegian driving license to a UAE license. This is a simple process that involves collecting the necessary documents, following the application process, and paying the conversion fees.

Required Documents

To convert your license to Norwegian in the UAE, the documents required will depend on your current status. Below is a list of the necessary documents needed for each category:For citizens and residents:

  • Original Norwegian driving license
  • No-Objection Certificate (NOC) from your company
  • Valid and original Emirates ID
  • Electronic eye test
  • Arabic-language translation of your foreign driver’s license (if required)

For residents with a visa issued in Emirates other than Dubai:

  • Original valid Emirates ID
  • Electronic eye test
  • Trade license copy of both branches (Dubai and other Emirates)
  • Letter from the company certifying that you work in the Dubai branch

For those with diplomatic passports:

  • Diplomatic passport original and copy
  • Original driving license
  • Electronic eye test
  • Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs valid for at least six months from the date of submission
  • Diplomatic Cards for Embassies, Consulates, and International Organisations instead of an Emirates ID

Having these documents ready can make converting your Norwegian driving license to a UAE license smoother and more efficient.

Application Procedure

Converting your Norwegian driving license to a UAE license is a straightforward process. All you need to do is gather the necessary documents and visit the designated traffic authority in the Emirate. In Dubai, head to an RTA office; in Abu Dhabi, make your way to the Drivers’ Licensing Department in Mushrif.

Once you submit your documents, your Norwegian driving license will be verified for authenticity, and a customer file will be opened in your name. Finally, you’ll just need to pay the conversion fees. It’s that simple!

Familiarizing yourself with RTA road traffic signs is an absolute must if you want to become a knowledgeable and safe driver. This application is the easiest and most effective tool to practice and master all the signs. Download it now and start taking your driving skills to the next level.

Conversion Fees

The fees for converting a Norwegian driving license to a UAE license are as follows:

  • File opening: AED 200
  • Issuing license: AED 600
  • Handbook manual: AED 50
  • Knowledge and Innovation fees: From AED 20

It’s important to know that the license transfer fee is usually less than AED 1,000, but it may differ depending on the Emirate. This fee structure is crucial for those who want to convert their Norwegian driver’s license to a UAE license. Having the correct documents and information will help the process go smoothly and efficiently.

Understanding Driving Standards in the UAE

If you intend to drive in the UAE with a Norwegian license, it’s important to be aware that the driving norms may vary from those in Norway. This includes the high incidence of traffic accidents and the stringent laws against driving under the influence of alcohol. Here’s what you should keep in mind.

Speeding and Traffic Accidents

In the UAE, many traffic accidents are caused by speeding. Although speed limits are clearly marked and speed cameras are in place to monitor and control speeding, some drivers still choose to exceed the limits, which can result in hazardous situations. If you hold a Norwegian driver’s license and plan to drive in the UAE, it’s crucial to follow the speed limits and drive defensively to ensure your safety.

You might also wonder, “Is driving in Dubai hard?” We have already provided a detailed answer to this question.

Drinking and Driving Laws

When driving in the UAE, it is important to remember that drinking and driving is strictly prohibited and considered a criminal offense, no matter how much alcohol has been consumed. If caught, penalties can include heavy fines, imprisonment, and deportation. In addition, any insurance coverage may be invalidated in the event of an accident. As a reminder, if you plan to drive in UAE with Norwegian license, it is crucial to never drink and drive.

Road Etiquette and Behavior

When driving in the UAE, it’s important to be aware that road etiquette may be different from what you’re used to in Norway. For instance, flashing your lights is typically a signal that a driver is coming through, rather than a way of giving way. 

In addition, using offensive gestures or inappropriate language towards other drivers could result in fines, jail time, and even deportation. Therefore, it’s essential to remain patient and show respect while driving in the UAE.

It is important to comprehend the driving regulations if you intend to drive in UAE with Norwegian license. This will guarantee your safety and allow you to adjust to the driving customs of the region.

What to Do in Case of an Accident

It’s important to recognize that accidents can happen anytime and anywhere, regardless of how careful you are while driving. If you plan on driving in UAE with a Norwegian License, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the appropriate procedures to follow in the event of an accident. Keep in mind that the rules may differ depending on the Emirate you’re traveling in.

Rules in Different Emirates

In Abu Dhabi, drivers should move their vehicles to the side of the road if there are no injuries and the vehicle damage is minimal to prevent traffic congestion. However, if there are injuries or significant vehicle damage, it is advised not to move the vehicles.

When in Dubai, it’s important to keep in mind that you should only move your vehicle if it’s obstructing other drivers. Otherwise, it’s best to leave it in place until authorities arrive to assess any damage or injuries.

In the other Emirates, you may only move your car if the accident is minor and both parties agree on who is responsible. other motorists.

In all cases, it’s crucial to call the police. It is an offence to leave the scene of an accident before the police arrive.

As someone with a Norwegian license planning to drive in the UAE, it’s important to understand the rules surrounding accidents. Keeping these rules in mind will not only keep you safe but also ensure that you handle any accidents in a legal and appropriate manner. Remember to stay calm, prioritize safety, and follow all local laws and procedures.


To drive with a Norwegian license in the UAE, it’s important to have a grasp of the local driving rules and regulations. This is essential for both visitors and residents to have a safe and pleasant driving experience.

If you plan on staying in the UAE permanently, converting your Norwegian license to a UAE license is a simple process as long as you have the required documents and follow the proper steps. Always prioritize safety and respect the local driving culture while on the road.

Waheed Akhtar
As a seasoned driver in the United Arab Emirates, I, Waheed Akhtar, share my experiences and knowledge to help others navigate the roads of this beautiful country safely and confidently.


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