You are seeing the traffic signal green light starts to blink, What will you do

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Blinking Green Light Traffic Signal

When you’re on the road, it’s important to understand what different traffic signals mean. One such signal is the blinking green light. Here’s what you need to know.

What Happens When the Green Light Starts Blinking

If you see a green light start to blink, it indicates that the traffic signal is about to change to a different signal, such as a red or flashing yellow light. In most cases, this blinking green light means the traffic signal will change to a yellow or red light, and you should start preparing to stop.

How to Respond to a Blinking Green Light

As a driver, it is essential to pay attention to traffic signals and be prepared to react to signal changes. When you see a green light start to blink, slow down and be ready to stop if necessary. Also, be prepared to yield to any pedestrians or other vehicles crossing the intersection.


Remember to always follow traffic signals and signs. Adjusting your driving according to the blinking green light and other signals ensures the safety of yourself and other road users.