In a multi lane freeway you should take left lane only

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Multi-Lane Freeway: Using the Left Lane Only to Overtake

Driving on a multi-lane freeway? Remember, the left lane is mainly for overtaking. Let’s understand why it is advised to use the left lane only to overtake and how it helps in keeping the traffic smooth.

Why Use the Left Lane Only to Overtake

On a multi-lane freeway, it is a good rule to use the left lane only to overtake. This helps to keep traffic flowing nicely. When cars stick to this rule, it means everyone can drive more safely and easily.

How to Use the Left Lane to Overtake

When you are on a multi-lane freeway and you want to overtake a slower vehicle, you should move to the left lane, overtake the vehicle, and then return to your original lane. This way, the left lane remains clear for other drivers who also want to overtake.

The Benefits of Following the Rule

Following the rule of using the left lane only to overtake on a multi-lane freeway helps in reducing traffic jams and avoids accidents. It also helps in making the driving experience more pleasant for everyone on the road.


To sum it up, using the left lane only to overtake on a multi-lane freeway is a simple rule that makes driving safer and smoother for everyone.