If you want to turn left on a two-lane roundabout,You approach the roundabout in the left lane also keep in the same lane as you travel around the roundabout.Then which action is true?

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Two-Lane Roundabout Rules in the UAE

If you drive in the UAE, it is important to know the two-lane roundabout rules in the UAE. One rule you need to know is how to turn left correctly in a two-lane roundabout. Let’s break it down step by step.

Getting Ready to Turn Left

To turn left at a two-lane roundabout in the UAE, you should use the left lane. Stick to this lane as you get closer to the roundabout and while you are in it.

Going Around the Roundabout

When you are in the roundabout, stay in the left lane. Keep an eye on other cars and stay in your lane to keep everyone safe. This is a vital part of the two-lane roundabout rules in the UAE.

Signaling to Exit

Here comes the important part: signalling. After you pass the second exit in the roundabout, signal right. This tells other drivers that you plan to leave the roundabout soon.


To recap, when you want to turn left in a two-lane roundabout in the UAE:

  • Start in the left lane.
  • Stay in the left lane as you go around.
  • Signal right after the second exit.

Following the two-lane roundabout rules in the UAE helps avoid accidents and fines. Drive safely!