The cross road sign is a warning sign that is recognizable by its symbol of a black cross on a white background. It is a vital road sign that alerts drivers to an upcoming crossroads or intersection.
Cross Road Sign
Crossroads can be busy and potentially hazardous, so it’s essential to know what to do when you see a cross road sign.
This article will discuss the steps you should take when approaching a crossroads, including how to prepare, slow down, and look out for potential hazards. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.
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What Does a Road Sign with a Cross Mean?
A road sign with a cross means that a crossroads or intersection is coming up ahead. The cross road sign is a warning sign that drivers should be prepared to encounter an intersection or crossroads where two or more roads cross at right angles. This traffic sign is usually placed before the crossroads, giving drivers enough time to slow down, prepare, and be alert for potential hazards.
The symbol is a rectangular red sign with a black cross on a white background, which is easily recognizable to drivers. When you see a crossroad sign, it’s essential to be vigilant and cautious, as crossroads can be a location for accidents and collisions.
By obeying the crossroad sign, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

What Type of Sign Is a Cross Road Sign?
The crossroad sign is classified as a warning sign and falls under the regulatory traffic sign category. Regulatory signs are used to convey traffic laws and regulations that must be obeyed to ensure the safety of all road users.
What Should You Do When You See Cross Road Sign?
You should prepare to encounter an intersection or crossroads ahead when you see a crossroad sign. To stay safe on the road, you should take the following steps:
- Slow down: Reduce your speed and cautiously approach the area, even if you can’t see the intersection yet.
- Be alert: Look for any other traffic, pedestrians, or potential hazards in the area.
- Check your mirrors: Check your mirrors for any vehicles behind you to avoid any rear-end collisions.
- Stop if necessary: Be prepared to stop if necessary, especially if traffic or pedestrians is crossing the intersection.
- Give way to vehicles that have the right of way: Observe the right of way rules and give way to cars that are already in the intersection or have the right of way.
- Proceed with caution: Only proceed through the intersection when it is safe to do so. Look in all directions, especially if visibility is limited.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road when approaching a crossroad. Remember, always drive defensively and obey all traffic rules and regulations.
You can download our road signs application for free and practice all the signs at any time and from anywhere.
The cross road sign is a crucial element in road safety. By understanding its meaning and responding appropriately, drivers can navigate crossroads and potentially hazardous situations with caution and vigilance. Always be aware of your surroundings and obey all traffic signs and regulations to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.